Saturday, April 22, 2006


I just sat staring at the clouds in the rain. Then i thought i had better take some pics of it :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

turn and run

turn and run
Originally uploaded by mologo.

mum called him so he went. I wish i had caught him running to her....... but that shot is for another day :)

This taken just above burley in wharfdale, ilkley, yorkshire, england


learning to walk
Originally uploaded by subfoz.

he is lovely. dont you think?

Monday, April 17, 2006


I was out walking and realised that one of the major things that characterises the area that i live in is these dry stone walls. Whenyou look closely at them they are not just brown / grey stone. In fact the are really colourful. Apparently there are over one hundred different species of lichens that live on the stone walls, not to mention the copper and iron ores helping the colour along. Anyway 'The Yorkshire Dales' abstractly characterised by stone walls........

Originally uploaded by subfoz.

dry stone wall close up :)..... taken near skipton, yorkshire England :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

dry stone wall close up :)..... taken near skipton, yorkshire England :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

Tree bark....... this might be better as a B&W..... not sure.

Taken at Bolton Abbey, Yorkshire, England


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

I got this Einstein Action Figure as a gift......... What can i say? I love it :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

more tree bark....... i like tree bark abstracts... can you tell?

taken near bolton Abbey, Yorkshire


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

well hay fever is nearly here so i am off to bed for the summer.........


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

bad joke....... nice flower


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

i was trying to take pics of this flower and to make it more interesting so i sprayed water on it. I sprayed too much water on it.


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

i was trying to take pics of this flower and to make it moe interesting i spreyed water on it. I sprayed too much water on it.


This is something i did to pass the time this afternoon - but i must confess it it not my idea. I stumbled upon some really great stuff which is similar to this. This gave me the idea and i have just had it in the back of my mind until today. Anyway i have not done it as well as the other stuff but it is a first attempt :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

these generate electricity and dont emit carbon compounds into the enviroment - will one of you please forward this to you goverments because they dont seem to know enough about them yet?........


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

these generate electricity and dont emit carbon compounds into the enviroment - will one of you please forward this to you goverments because they dont seem to know enough about them yet?........


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

it is not really chewed but i might take some pics of chewed food if there are enough of you that request it........ :O - (this is my food face)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

it is


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

another grapefruit........ nasty things


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

moss is moss is moss is moss. like the red in the background


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

the exploration of food continues - this was a yellow pepper.


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

a macro of a mushroom. changed the colour to green in photoshop, just cause i was in a green mood :/ - wish i hadn't done that now ....... hehe


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

this makes me feel a little sick. I am proud of this pic. As already outlined in another comment - this was a tasty canteloupe jus just altered the colour a little in photoshop :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

the canteloupe again. I have added grain to this pic....... i just love that high colour, high contrast grain style you sometimes see. This was my first attempt at this style :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

yes this is a grapefruit. I hate this stinky fruit with its gut renching acids and bitter flavour of death. I did very little post processing to this shot. I just wanted to remove the fairy dust from your eyes and let you see this evil fruit as it truely is................ :D


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

believe it or not this is a cantaloupe………… All I have done is changed the colours a little in photoshop. Does it inspire an emotion………. ? I do hope so………
It tasted great – was very juicy :D) (this is me smiling with a double chin after all the cantaloupe I have recently eaten)

waking up

waking up
Originally uploaded by subfoz.


Originally uploaded by subfoz.


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

dont know really :)


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

I got this using an Intel microscope, one of the ones you plug into your pc. It is taken from a credit card.

skysheep ba-tat

skysheep ba-tat
Originally uploaded by subfoz.

this pic was taken on ilkley moor - hence bah t'at. I was wearing one thank goodness ;)

bah t'at

bah t'at
Originally uploaded by subfoz.

this pic was taken on ilkley moor - hence bah t'at. I was wearing one thank goodness ;)

wet feet

wet feet

i got wet feet taking this shot. Next time i am taking appropriate footware - beware :D


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

I love the face in this shot and the storm clouds provide lots of atmosphere..... :D

take your brain

another moody beach shot from spurn point.



This was lucky and unlucky. It was raining so i covered my kit up and sat on some rocks for a while. Then, ever so slightly, a rainbow appeared. I sat watching it for a while assuming that the second i got my camera out it would have gone. It didn’t go…… it just got stronger and stronger until it joined with the other-side of its self…….. wow. Then a second rainbow began to appear…… WOW WOW, I mean how often do you see that. It got stronger and stronger until i could contain myself no longer. I turned to my kit, all nicely parceled in rain proof covers and got my camera out. I turned to shoot the amazing rainbowS and, yes you guessed it........ they had gone. But i did get this and i do really like this :D………. really I do ;)



This shot was taken on the coast near spurn point (near 'ull, UK) Coastal erosion has cause some buildings to fall into the sea....... wow. It is such a mad place, but my camera is f**ked now thanks to sensor dirt........ damn



This shot was taken on the coast near spurn point (near 'ull, UK) Coastal erosion has cause some buildings to fall into the sea....... wow. It is such a mad place, but my camera is f**ked now thanks to sensor dirt........ damn


This picture was taken on Ilkley Moor, Yorkshire, UK.

I had to climb a rock face to get into position for this photo. As I sat there in very strong winds, freezing and wondering why I had gone to all of this effort and trouble, a man climbed up behind me with a mountain bike strapped to his back. I like meeting new people in strange places.


This picture was taken on Ilkley Moor, Yorkshire, UK.

I had to climb a rock face to get into position for this photo. As I sat there in very strong winds, freezing and wondering why I had gone to all of this effort and trouble, a man climbed up behind me with a mountain bike strapped to his back. We chatted about the cold weather for a while before he climbed on. A while past........ then I realised I had missed the shot of my life! Why didn't I take a picture of him silhouetted again the sky with his bike as he climbed the granite face? A while later I saw him and his friends. They were still carrying their bikes. They where off in the distance as the sun set behind them. You can just see two of them in this picture. A real Monty Python moment! I rushed to get this shot. I wonder why they didnt just ride their bikes?


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

spent the weekend visiting a friend on the east coast. You cant go over there and not take pics of this.......


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

spent the weekend visiting a friend on the east coast. You cant go over there and not take pics of this.......


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

spent the weekend visiting a friend on the east coast. You cant go over there and not take pics of this.......


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

spent the weekend visiting a friend on the east coast. You cant go over there and not take pics of this.......


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

spent the weekend visiting a friend on the east coast. You cant go over there and not take pics of this.......


This picture was taken from farm land above Otley in Wharfdale, Yorkshire, UK.


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

moody sky- ooooh


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

mad sky - good storm


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

mad sky taken at ribbledale viaduct. I love the red in the top left corner..... the D50 sensor seems to pic up red tones if i use lots of nd filters. anything over 9 and i start getting red - it worried me at first and is a pain when taking pics of snow, but i have decided to think positive and use it to my advantage :D


Originally uploaded by subfoz.

another slow shutter i keep promising myself i will stop taking



another slow shutter i keep promising myself i will stop taking